The new curriculum has the tagline of “Building Student’s Success” and by following the link <– here you will be able to see just why that tagline is true.

The new curriculum has opened so many doors for differentiated learning. The traditional means of learning by sitting and being lectured is on its way out. A new curriculum preaching inquiry, hands-on learning, and the exploration of curiosity is here and is impacting learners in a new way. Gone are the days of hoping one method will land with a majority of students, and now we are given purposeful and in-depth differentiation to suit the needs of all learners. The new curriculum also benefits teachers too. The building blocks laid out through content and curricular competencies allow for so much freedom to cater to the learning to the students you have in your classroom. The heavy book of PLO’s can be put into storage and the freedom to explore is here and is given new educators and veterans the chance to diversify BC’s school systems.

Teachers choose their core competencies and big ideas from the grade based curriculum page and follow suit with the competencies and content they wish to build into their lessons and units and then frame everything around it. Creating blended instructional objectives is simple and straightforward. Creating units is not only fun, but it allows teachers to diversify based on student needs and interest which proves to capture student attention and foster a passion for learning in the classroom.