
As mentioned on another page I have been tutoring on and off since high school. I have never been paid for my tutoring services before, I work with students for an hour on whatever they need help with and usually see them once a week. The opportunity to help guide one’s learning while targeting specific pieces is super exciting, and requires far less of the stress that regular teaching demands. Throughout the remainder of my education, I plan to stay on as a tutor as long as I can, because the number of students that need assistance that may not be able to afford it is high.


Throughout my first and second semesters in the B-Ed program, I found myself needing to occupy my time with things that would separate me from my schooling. I already worked three days a week at Purdy’s but figured that twice a week for an hour I could lend my eyes and ears and help with the chaos of the after swimming change. I did this consistently from September to December, then began again in January but unfortunately due to COVID-19 I cannot help out any more. Being able to keep connected with the program kids was super important to me, I have been working with these kids since 2017 and didn’t want to separate from them yet. So, I helped out where I could and was on call if anyone ever got sick. I wish I had more time to volunteer with the Y in my schooling, however the program itself is a full-time job, and I had another part-time job to balance.

Book Club:

In my free time, I and two peers have a book club. We read, review and discuss different pieces of literature at different reading levels. As someone who wants to teach at the high school level, I have been encouraging a lot of teen fiction to inspire a library of sorts that I could bring with me in my future teaching career. We have gone over a lot of the classics read in high school (To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, and more) I think it is extremely important to be able to read and have opinions and thought surrounding novels. Picking up on theme, nuance, and tone are all extremely helpful in the world of English Language Arts. This is a skill that I am going to need to be able to teach, and I am thankful to have the group I do.